Time to take a moment to recap week three in coding my first app.  Unfortunately, I did not make much time for coding this week so this update will be light.  That being said, let’s get started.

What I Learned

  • I need to look for more opportunities to use structs and classes
  • UI/ UX Design is not as easy as I thought (or I’m not as good at it as I thought I would be)

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Week two of coding is done.  This past week was brutally frustrating as I tried to work my way through Swift’s Codable type.  After 15 hours of Google searches, Swift Playgrounds, and countless rewrites of the same code; I finally figured out how to take my JSON response and turn it into useable information.

What I Learned

  • Playgrounds is useful for quickly testing blocks of code
  • Adding existing view controllers into a navigation bar is easy
  • Codable is great… as long as you don’t have a lot of nested data
  • URLSessions are an asynchronous process
  • You can return data through a completion handler

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I finally finished my Udemy course at the end of December.  After looking online and talking to people, it seems that the next natural progression in this learning thing is to try and make my own app from scratch.  So it’s officially time to kick off the training wheels and the comfort of watching an instructor, and see how much more I have to learn on my own.

Coming up with an App Idea

From the start of this, I decided that if I am going to build an app, it’s got to be something good enough to be published on the App Store.  I figured that this goal would keep me up to high standards of quality, and I would get to experience the full life cycle of developing an app.  So… what to build?

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