Quickly see the most up to date weather forecast for your current location, or any of your favorite destinations!
Oh Weather is powered by the DarkSky Weather API to provide the most accurate weather data to plan your day. Use your current location, or any of your favorite cities!
Current Forecast:
- Beautiful weather icons
- Current temperature and “feels like” temperature
- High and low temperatures for the day
- Percent chance of precipitation
- Wind speed and directionBeautiful weather icons
- Current temperature and “feels like” temperature
- High and low temperatures for the day
- Percent chance of precipitation
- Wind speed and direction
Next 24 Hours:
- Brief text summary of the next twenty-four hours of weather
- Hour by hour weather data for:
- Weather condition icons
- Temperature
- Percent chance of precipitation
- Percent humidity
- Wind speed and direction
Next 7 Days:
- Brief text summary of the most severe weather data over the next week
- Day by day weather data for:
- Weather condition icons
- Daily high and low temperatures
- Sunrise and sunset time
- Wind speed and direction
- Percent chance of precipitation
- Percent humidity
- Precipitation accumulation
- Percent cloud cover
- Visibility distance
Custom Favorite Cities List:
- Add and remove cities to your favorites list to view the weather forecast any time
Helpful Tips:
- Swipe side to side on the hourly weather forecast to see data for the next 24 hours
- Tap on the various weather types below the hourly forecast to change the forecast data being displayed
- Tap on a daily forecast to expand the view to display more detailed information
Tell Me What You Think:
- This is my first app and I’m open to suggestions and improvements to make it better! Send an email to ohweather@icloud.com!